Page:The Vespers of Palermo.pdf/110

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[Act V.

Scene IV.Before the Gates of Palermo.
Sicilians flying tumultuously towards the Gates.

Voices. (without.) Montjoy! Montjoy! St. Denis for Anjou!
Provençals, on!

Sic. Fly, fly, or all is lost!

(Raimond appears in the gateway, armed, and carrying
a banner.)

Raimond. Back, back, I say! ye men of Sicily!
All is not lost! Oh shame!—A few brave hearts
In such a cause, ere now, have set their breasts
Against the rush of thousands, and sustain'd,
And made the shock recoil.—Ay, man, free man,
Still to be called so, hath achieved such deeds
As heaven and earth have marvell'd at; and souls,
Whose spark yet slumbers with the days to come,
Shall burn to hear: transmitting brightly thus
Freedom from race to race!—Back! or prepare,
Amidst your hearths, your bowers, your very shrines,
To bleed and die in vain!—Turn, follow me!
Conradin, Conradin!—for Sicily
His spirit fights!—Remember Conradin!
(They begin to rally around him.
Ay, this is well!—Now follow me, and charge!
(The Provençals rush in, but are repulsed by the Sicilians.