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[Act III. Sc.5

After vain conflict with a people's wrath,
De Couci hath escaped?—And there are those
Who murmur that from thee the warning came
Which saved him from our vengeance. But e'en yet
In the red current of Provençal blood
That doubt may be effaced. Draw thy good sword,
And follow me!

Rai. And thou couldst doubt me, Guido!
'Tis come to this!—Away! mistrust me still.
I will not stain my sword with deeds like thine.
Thou know'st me not!

Guido. Raimond di Procida!
If thou art he whom once I deemed so noble—
Call me thy friend no more! [Exit Guido.

Rai. (after a pause.) Rise, dearest, rise!
Thy duty's task hath nobly been fulfill'd,
E'en in the face of death; but all is o'er,
And this is now no place where nature's tears
In quiet sanctity may freely flow.
—Hark! the wild sounds that wait on fearful deeds
Are swelling on the winds, as the deep roar
Of fast-advancing billows; and for thee
I shame not thus to tremble.—Speed, oh, speed!