Page:The Vicomte de Bragelonne 2.djvu/143

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THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 131 "Ah! then it appears there will be an opposition, and the enterprise will be disputed?" "Oh, yes, Planchet, yes." "I burn to know the details, monsieur." "They are these, Planchet — close all the doors firmly." "Yes, monsieur." And Planchet double^.ocked them. "That is well; now draw near." Planchet obeyed. "And open the window, because the noise of the passers-by vnd the carts will deafen all who might hear us. Planchet jpened the window as desired, and the puff of tumult vbich filled the chamber with cries, wheels, barkings, and [steps deafened D'Artagnan himself, as he had wished. He Lhen swallowed a glass of white wine, and commenced in ese terms: "Planchet, I have an idea." "Ah, monsieur! I recognize you so well in that!" replied ?lanchet, panting with emotion. CHAPTER XX. )F THE SOCIETY "WHICH WAS FORMED IN" THE RUE DES LOMBARDS, AT THE SIGN OF THE PILON D'OR, TO CARRY OUT THE IDEA OF M. D'ARTAGNAN. After an instant of silence, in which D'Artagnan ap- oeared to be collecting, not one idea, but all his ideas: "It ':annot be, my dear Planchet," said he, "that you have not leard speak of His Majesty Charles I. of England?" "Alas! yes, monsieur, since you left France in order to

arry him assistance, and that, in spite of that assistance,

ie fell, and was near dragging you down in his fall." "Exactly so; I see you have a good memory, Planchet." "Peste! the astonishing thing would be if I could have ost that memory, however bad it might have been. When »ne has heard Grimaud, who, you know, is not given to .alking, relate how the head of King Charles fell, how you

ailed the half of a night in a scuttled vessel, and saw rise

ip upon the water that Monsieur Mordaunt with a certain

old-hafted poniard sticking in his breast, one is not very

ikely to forget such things." "And yet there are people who forget them, Planchet." "Yes, such as have not seen them, or have not heard jrrimaud relate them." "Well, it is all the better that you recollect all that; I