Page:The Victoria History of the County of Surrey Volume 3.djvu/155

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��Ferrybridge and attainted in 1461." His lands were granted to an usher of Edward IV, Nicholas Gaynes- ford, 33 who was himself attainted at the accession of Richard III." The manor was granted by that king to Sir John Neville. 34 On the accession of Henry VII it was restored to Henry, Lord Clifford, ' the shepherd lord,' with the other possessions of his father, John, Lord Clifford. 36 His grandson Henry, second Earl of Cumberland, sold Shalford to Sir Anthony Browne in January 1 5434." Sir Anthony had inherited Shalford Bradestan, the other moiety of the original manor. Thus the two moieties were re- united and descended to Sir Anthony's son, who was created Viscount Montagu in I554-* 8 Francis, third viscount, sold the manor to Sir John Nicholas in 1677." In 1733 the executors of Edward Nicholas, his son, who died in 1726, sold the manor to Thomas, Lord Onslow, 40 in whose family it has since remained, the present owner being William Hillier, Earl of Onslow.

When the manor was taken into the king's hands in 1333 (vide supra) the custody of SH4LFORD BR4DEST4N, the second moiety of Shalford, was granted successively to William Hatton, Henry Hussey, and Thomas de Ponings. 41 The last held it for life. At his death it was granted in tail to Sir Thomas de Bradestan, from whom it obtained the name of Shalford Bradestan. He was succeeded in 1360 by his grandson and heir Thomas," who died a minor in 1374, l eav ' n g an infant daughter Elizabeth, 41 who mar- ried Walter de la Pole. 44 He died seised of Shalford Bradestan in right of his wife in 1434." Their grandson Sir Edmund Ingaldesthorp, kt., inherited the manor. 4 * At his death in 1456 his widow Joan held the manor in dower, her hus- band's heirs being the children of his daughter Isabel, Marchioness Montagu. One of these, Lucy Fitz William, inherited Shalford Bradestan at Joan's death in 1494," and bequeathed it to her son William Fitz William and his wife Mabel 48 for life, with rever- sion to her son Sir Anthony Browne, who had pur- chased the other part of Shalford Clifford (vide supra), so that the whole was reunited and descended as above. The demesne of the whole manor called East Shalford Manor was purchased in 1779 by Robert Austen,

���BRADESTAN. Argent a quarter gules with a rote or therein.

���AUSTEN OF SHALFORD. Azure a chcvcron argent benveen three choughs or.

��and is the property of Colonel Godwin Austen, his descendant.

There was a custom that the lord of Shalford might tally his bond-tenants loos, year- ly. 49 In the 1 3th century John son of Geoffrey, lord of Shiere, unjustly appropriated view of frankpledge to himself there. 50 The right of free warren was appurtenant to the manor. 41 In the 1 4th century the lords of Shalford Clifford and Brade- stan paid Romscot to the vicar of Shalford. 4 '

The early history of the reputed manor of UN- STEAD (Townhampstead, Ownstead, or Unsted, xvi cent.) is obscure. In 1256-7 William de Wintershull acquired land in Dunsfold, Hascombe, Bramley, and ' Tunchamstede,' from Geoffrey de Braboeuf." Late in the 1 3th century William son of Eustace of East Catteshull granted lands in East Catteshull in Bramley to John son of Ralph de Ton- hamstede, in exchange for land called Pinnokesland. 54

In 1385 William Webbe complained at the Godalm- ing Hundred Court of trespass upon his land at ' Tunhamstede.' " Later in the 1 5th century Henry Stoughton was seised of Unstead, and his son Thomas was in possession in 1459-90.

Thomas had a son Gilbert, and in 1517 Gilbert Stoughton died seised of Unstead, held of the manor of Selhurst (or Wintershull), his son Laurence being his heir. 46

In 1 547 Laurence Stoughton conveyed it to John Parvish, jun., in exchange for lands in Stoke. 47 John Parvish of Unstead was buried in I583. 48 His nephew Thomas Parvish sold the manor in 1588 to his cousin Henry Parvish, citizen and haberdasher of London, who died 4 August 1593, having settled his estate on his sons and their heirs female. 59

The capital messuage was bought in 1608 by Sir George More of Loseley from Gabriel Parvish, son of Henry, 60 and he in 1609 conveyed to George Austen, 61 who died seised of it in 1621, and was succeeded by his son John. 61 He sold it in 1626 to the trustees of Henry Smith's Charity in Godalm- ing, 63 and they conveyed it to the Corporation of Godalming for a sewage farm in 1894.

The reputed manor was apparently divided among the Parvish family, and Unstead Manor Farm was a possession of the Onslow family during the I7th

��" Chan. Inq. p.m. 4 Edw. IV, no. 52.

M Pat. 5 Edw. IV, pt. ii, m. 5 j I Edw. IV, pt. iii, m. 7.

4 Harl. MS. 433, fol. 145.

Ibid. fol. 168.

M Material, for Hitt. of Hen. VII (Rolls Ser.), i, 117.

W L. and P. Hen. VIII, xix (i), 80 (64).

58 Cal. S.P. Dam. 1547-80, p. 63. Sir Anthony Browne's widow married Lord Clinton, Lord High Admiral, who in 1558 peaks of his manor of Shalford Clifford j Hitt. MSS. Com. Rep. vii, App. 614. The queen granted ' all lands and tene- ments by name of Shalford or Shalford Clifford to Thomas Butter as 'concealed lands' (Pat. 33 Eliz. pt. v, m. I et seq.), but Viscount Montagu probably made his claim good, and remained in possession.

Recov. R. Mich. 29 Chas. II, m. 56.

��40 Close, 7 Ceo. II, pt. vii, m. 46.

41 Esch. Accts. 5-8 Edw. Ill, ii, 54, m. 64 et seq.

49 Chan. Inq. p.m. 34 Edw. Ill (lit not.), no. 61.

48 Ibid. 48 Edw. Ill (ist not.), no. 10.

44 Pat. 19 Ric. II, pt. ii, m. 17.

41 Chan. Inq. p.m. 12 Hen. VI, no. 33.

  • Cal. Inj. f.m. Hen. VII, i, 96. He

was son and heir of Margaret, daughter of Elizabeth and Walter de la Pole. Mar- garet had married Thomas Ingaldesthorp.

47 Ibid. 483 ; Chan. Inq. p.m. 35 Hen. VI, no. 20.

48 Sir William Fitz William,created Earl of Southampton, died 1542. His widow Mabel, Countess of Southampton, was hold- ing in 1 546. See Losterford in Wonersh.

4 Chan. Inq. p.m. 6 Edw. Ill (2nd nos.), no. 84.


��*> Plac. de Quo War, (Rec. Com.}, 742.

51 Feet of F. SUIT. Trin. 26 Eliz.

Chan. Inq. p.m. 48 Edw. Ill (ist nos.), no. 10.

Feet of F. Surr. 50 Hen. Ill, 193.

54 Add. Chart. 17279.

M Godalming Hund.R. I June, 8 Ric. II.

58 Ct. R. of Selhurst at Loseley, Feast of St. Edward the King, 8 Hen. VIII, and deeds quoted by Manning and Bray, op. cit. ii, 99. But part of Unstead was held of the manor of Stonebridge in Shalford.

W Feet of F. Surr. HiU 1 & 2 Edw. VI.

58 Parish Registers.

" Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2),ccixxvi, 74.

50 Close, 6 Jas. I, pt. i, no. 7.

Ibid. 7 Jas. I.

Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), cccxcvii, 90.

63 Com. Pleai D. Enr. Trin. 4 Chat. I, m. 23.

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