Page:The Victoria History of the County of Surrey Volume 3.djvu/683

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The several sums of stock mentioned above are held by the official trustees.

In 1703 William Hatton, by will, directed that out of the rents of certain premises in Mark Lane, six rugs to the value of 15s. each should be provided for distribution among six poor housekeepers of either Thames Ditton, East Molesey, West Molesey, or Kingston.

In 1726 William Nicholl, by will, bequeathed £200, to be laid out in land, the rents thereof to be applied in the distribution of coal. The legacy with accumulations was laid out in the purchase of 12s. or thereabouts, at Shenley, let at £12 a year; i6s. in Maiden, let at £35 a year; and a sum of £363 3s. 8d. consols is held by the official trustees in trust for this charity producing £9 1s. 4d. per annum.

In 1884 John Carn, by will, proved at London, gave £1,000 consols, the income to be divided equally among three poor men and three poor widows of the age of sixty years or upwards not in receipt of parochial relief. The endowment is £1,010 4s. con- sols in the name of Bedford Marsh, esq., producing £25 5s. per annum.

Charities, founded by will, of Anne Elizabeth Savage proved in P.C.C. 6 January 1884 are:

  1. For providing Nurses. Trust fund, £1,298 12s 2d. consols, producing yearly £32 9s. 4d. regulated by scheme of 20 December 1892.
  2. The General Charities Endowment £12,303 6s. 3d. consols, annual dividends £307 11s. 8d., applicable as follows, namely :— £13 19s. 1d. for Kingston Clothing Society ; £5 11s. 7d. for inhabitants of poorhouse ; £1 13s. 8d. for repair of husband's tomb; £67 10s. 2d. to Princess Charlotte Memorial ; £63 2s. 11d. for twelve poor widows ; £119 15s. 4d. for church services ; £16 19s. 10d. for ringers and chimers, and £18 19s. 1d. for promoting psalm- ody in church.
  3. Public School endowment, consisting of £558 4s. 3d. consols, producing £14 1s. 8d. a year, set aside by order of Charity Com- missioners 1905. The income of £13 19s. is applied for educational purposes.
  4. The Sunday School endowment, consisting of £563 11s. 9d. consols, producing £14 1s. 8d. a year, set aside by the same order, represent- ing the gift of clothing for the girls of the Kingston Sunday School.

The several sums of stock belonging to these charities are held by the official trustees.

The official trustees also hold a sum of £92 16s. 7d. consols, producing £2 6s. 4d. yearly, purchased with £90, the trusts of which are unknown, which was paid to the credit of 'Princess Charlotte Memorial' on 2 June 1872. This fund is administered by the trustees of Mrs. Savage's Charities.

Nonconformist Charities.

In 1743 William Plomer, by will proved at Lon- don, 25 May of that year, gave £1,000 for the benefit of the minister of the Protestant Dissenting Meeting Kingston-Upon-Thames. Trust Fund, £1,342 4s. 6d.consols, with the official trustees, producing £33 7s. per annum.

The Robert Dearie Charity (will of 1806) consists of a sum of £210 consols, producing £5 5s. yearly, and a piece of land at New Maiden, unlet for several years. The income is applied for the benefit of the minister of the Baptist chapel in Union Street.

The Society of Friends' Charities in connexion with Kingston-upon-Thames Preparative Meeting and the Esher Preparative Meeting are regulated by a scheme of the Charity Commissioners of 13 September 1910. They comprise the charities of:—

  1. Sarah Madgwick, will in 1806. Endowment £54 14s. 5d. consols.
  2. The Old Burial Ground Estate, Declaration of Trust of 1677. The property consists of Nos. 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, and 84, London Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, with sites and appur- tenances.
  3. The Poor's Trust; Bequest of 1668 and aug- mentations. Endowment, £3,771 l8s. 5d. consols and £7,248 5s. India 3 per cent. stock, with the official trustees, producing an income of £311 14s. 8d. a year.

The scheme directs that the 'income of the poor's estate shall be applied in the relief of poor members of the meetings.'

Ham and Hatch.

The Almshouse and Pension Charities are regulated by scheme of the Charity Commissioners dated 9 June 1899, comprising:

  1. The Bread Charity, consisting of £289 15s. 5d. consols, with the official trustees, representing consideration for the release of parish rights in waste lands of the manor of Ham.
  2. The almshouses of Thomas Hore and Mrs. Margaret Colyear-Dawkins, comprised in an indenture dated 28 February 1846.
  3. The Kingston Road Gate House.

The almshouses consist of four houses in Ham Street and the Kingston Road Gate House; and the income is applied in the up- keep of the almshouses and in the supply of coals to the inmates.

The income derived from the following properties is applied in aid of the poor's rate.

  1. Common and waste lands, comprised in an inden- ture dated 14 December 17 Charles I, consisting of a house and 13 acres of land.
  2. Poor's Land, comprised in an indenture dated 14 December 1641, consisting of several parcels of land containing 8a. 1r. 8p.
  3. Poor's Acre, first noticed in indenture 20 January 1642, consisting of an acre of land in Flax Land.
  4. Sudbrook Park rent, the origin of which is un- known, consisting of a rent-charge of £l out of lands in Sudbrook Park.

Hamlet of Ham.

In 1865 Richard Tollemache, by will proved at London 5 October, gave £200 consols to the minister and churchwardens, to be applied in aid of the paro- chial schools.

The same donor also gave £100 consols in aid of the school of St. John's, Robin Hood Gate, in Ham.