Page:The Victoria History of the County of Surrey Volume 3.djvu/71

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��manor were wont to have the amercements. 109 They also had court baron, heriot, and relief. 110

The chapel of St. Nicholas at Catteshull is mentioned in the Dean of Salisbury's survey of Godalming in 1 220. The lady of the manor claimed suit of court from its tenants, but the chaplain and vicar were strictly prohibited from paying it. 1 " The chapel was near the present manor-house, on the right-hand side of the road from Catteshull to Munstead.

F4RNCOMBE M4NOR was held by Ansgot under Edward the Confessor, and became demesne land of Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, after the Conquest. He added it to the land which he had out in farm at Bramley ('convertit ad firmam de Bronlei '). One of the king's reeves, Lofus, claimed the manor in 1086, asserting that he had held it when the king was in Wales (i.e. in 1081), and had kept it till the bishop took his journey into Kent (i.e. in lo82). n> It was probably granted out to tenants by the Crown after the forfeiture of Bishop Odo's lands, for in 1280 Reginald of Imworth and his wife Matilda held the manor in her right "* and granted it to John son of John Adryan, to hold of Ma- tilda and her heirs. 1 "

The manor passed to the Ashursts of East Betchworth in the latter part of the I4th century. In 1371 William Prestwyke and others in Farn- combe paid fine for leave of absence from the hundred court. 1 " There are similar payments by the lord of Farn- combe, not named, in 1377 and 1384. In 1382 William Ashurst paid a fine of the same amount, xii</. 114 The Ashursts held High Ashurst in Mickleham and other land in that neighbourhood, and prob- ably had acquired Farncombe about 1382, and did not find it convenient to attend Godal- ming Hundred Court. Ashursts

paid for non-attendance in 1412, 1440, and 1447- In 1413 Margaret Ashurst conveyed Farncombe Manor to her son William. 117

In 1452 the death of William Ashurst, the holder of land in Farncombe, is mentioned. 118

In 1503-4 John Ashurst of Farncombe paid igs. <)<t. towards an aid, 119 and he died seised of the manor in February 1 506-7, leaving a brother and heir William. 110 He is said to have sold the manor, 12 January, to John Skinner, who had married John Ashurst's widow." 1 James Skinner sold it to John

��Mellersh in 1552,'" and John Mellersh, clothier, died 1567 holding the manor of Farncombe, which he en- tailed on his son John and heirs. 113 John cut off the entail by recovery 1573,'" but died seised in 1623 leaving a daughter and heir Juliane who married John Launder. 1 " In 1675 John Launder senior, his grandson, and the latter's son John Launder junior, conveyed the manor to Thomas Mathew and others, 12 * probably as trustees to sell, for five years later Robert Pratt sold it to Anne Buncombe of Albury, 117 who, with her second husband, Timothy Wilson, conveyed it to trustees in 1685. 1M After the death of Anne's granddaughter, Mary wife of Charles Eversfield, the manor, which had been divided among her four daughters, was sold by them, 1733-4, to Henry Page," 9 who left it by will to his nephew John Skeet, 110 after his widow's death. She died 1784, and John Skeet was in possession in the same year." 1

His widow died in 1800, having bequeathed Farn- combe in moieties to her two daughters, Sarah Hall and Elizabeth Geering Lane. The former's infant


��daughters Eliza and Sarah inherited her moiety. 1 " In 1841 the manor was the property of William Saunders Robinson and others. 13 * The British Free- hold Land Society bought the land c. 1850-5 and pulled down the Manor House, which stood at the angle between Manor Road and Farncombe Street. The manor was advertised for sale in 1859, with 76 heriots and 2 a year quit-rents." 4 It was bought by Mrs. Marshall, and belongs now to Mr. George Marshall, her grandson.

In the road near Farncombe, besides several

��109 Chan. Inq. p.m. 20 Edw. I, no. 25.

110 Plat, de Qua Warr. (Rec. Com.), 743 ; Misc. Bks. (L.T.R.), clxi*, 114.

111 Reg. of St. Oimund (Rolli Sen), i, 297. The chapel it (aid to be 'in curia quae fuit Stephani de Thurncham.'

118 V.C.H. Surr. i, 3020.

118 Reginald died c. 1280, leaving an infant son John ; Chan. Inq. p.m. 8 Edw. I, file 2;, no. 8.

111 Feet of F. Surr. 8 Edw. I, 7.

115 Godalming Hund. Ct. 2 Oct. 45 Edw. HI.

��Ibid. 29 Oct. I Ric. II ; Oct. 8 Ric. II ; 6 Ric. II.

"7 B.M. Add. MS. 6:67, fol. 182; Hund. Ct. R.

118 12 Oct. 31 Hen. VI.

'"Add. R. (B.M.), 1355.

130 Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), nr, 24.

111 Deeds quoted by Symmes. Add. MS. (B.M.), 6167, fol. 182.

Feet of F. Surr. Mich. 6 Edw. VI.

M P.C.C. Will proved 7 Feb. 1568.

191 Recov. R. Hil. 16 Eliz.

las Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), ccccv, 151.


��196 Feet of F. SUIT. 27 Cha. II. Symmet quotes a conveyance by John Launder to Thomas Mathew and Robert Pratt. Add. MS. (B.M.), 6167, fol. 182.

"" Close, 32 Chas. II, pt. iii, no. 28.

198 Feet of F. Surr. East, i Jas. II.

" Feet of F. Surr. Hil. 6 Anne ; Close, 7 Geo. II, pt. iv, no. 5.

"O Manning and Bray, op. cit. i, 624.

181 Rccov. R. East. 24 Geo. Ill, m. 241.

1(9 Manning and Bray, op. cit. i, 624.

its Bray ley, op. cit. v, 219.

184 W. Surr. Times, 27 Aug. 1859.


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