Page:The Victoria History of the County of Surrey Volume 3.djvu/729

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���ANNE op CLEVIS. Gules a tharbocle or groining out of a icut- cheon argent.

��abbey of Bermondsey, where she died in Henry, having appropriated the manor of Sheen, held it throughout his reign, and changed its name to Richmond. 106 In 1522 Henry VIII granted a lease of the lordship of Richmond for thirty years to Massi Villiarde, Serjeant of the king's pleasure-water, and Thomas Brampton, with the exception of the palace and the park, of which they were only granted the custody. 107 In 1 540 the king bestowed the manor, palace, and park upon Anne of Cleves as part of the provision made for her after her divorce.* 08 She granted a lease for eighty years to David Vincent, which was confirmed to him by Ed- ward VI in 1547, a reserva- tion being made of the palace and park, or one of the parks, belonging to it. 109 Later Vin- cent transferred his lease to

Gregory Lovel." Sir Thomas Gorges received a grant of the keepership of the house, park, and garden, with the wardrobe, vessels, and victuals, in 1597.'" This grant was repeated to himself and his wife, the Marchioness of Northampton, for their lives, about 1 603,"* and in 1607 Sir Thomas Gorges obtained a grant of the manor for forty years, with the exception of the palace, park, and ferry.*" Sir Thomas died in l6lo," 4 and in the same year the king granted the manor, palace, and park to Henry Prince of Wales and his heirs. 21 * In January 1617, a few years after the death of Prince Henry, they were assigned to Sir Francis Bacon and others in trust for Prince Charles, 116 who received a direct grant of the manor, palace, and park for himself and his heirs in February of the same year.' 17 As Charles I he is said to have settled them on his queen, Henrietta Maria, in l626.' 18 A court leet, to be held twice a year, was ap- pointed for the manor of Rich- mond in 1628, and the king ordered that the tenants of the manors of Richmond, Peters- ham, and Ham should attend or. it instead of the court leet at Kingston, as had been the custom. Sir Robert

���HENRIETTA MARIA. Azure three fieurs de Us

��Douglas was made steward of the court for life."* In 1638 he, as Viscount Belhaven, was the keeper of the palace and park, as well as steward of the court leet and court baron ; but he surrendered these offices in that year," and the king granted the custody of the palace and park to James Stuart, Duke of Lennox.* 21 In 1639 William Murray, afterwards Earl of Dysart, 11 * was the lessee of Richmond Manor under the queen, and on her determination to sur- render it to the king, Murray petitioned for a grant of the manor in fee-farm together with the court leet and view of frankpledge. An order to this effect was accordingly given,*" but was evidently not carried out, as the manor remained part of the queen's jointure. It became the property of Sir Gregory Norton, bart., and later of his son Sir Henry Norton *" during the Commonwealth, but was restored to Queen Henrietta Maria in 1 66o." 5 In July of that year the custody of the manor, palace, and park was consigned to Edward Villiers, who petitioned that the grant might extend during the lives of his two sons.** 6 Queen Henrietta Maria did not die until l669,** 7 but per- haps exchanged the manor with the king, as in 1664 it was granted with the ' capital messuage ' and the park to James, Duke of York, afterwards James II, and his heirs.** 9 On his accession he settled the manor on his queen, Mary Beatrice, as part of her jointure. 1 * 9 It must have been appropriated with the rest of her jointure by William and Mary, as in 1690 her trustees desired that no grant of the manor might be made until they were first heard on her behalf.* 30 The manor does not appear to have been granted out again until 1733, when it was conferred by George II upon George, Earl of Cholmondeley, to hold during the life of Queen Caroline, 1 " who died in I737.* 51 In 1770 it was granted, exclusive of the site of the palace, to Queen Charlotte for her life, by George III. 13 * This is the last grant of the manor that has been found, and it is now in the possession of His Majesty King George V.

One or more fisheries were appurtenant to the manor from very early times. The first mention of a free fishery occurs in an extent of the manor in I2g2. 134

Among the customs claimed by the tenants of Richmond Manor by grant of 1481 which still survive is that of Borough English, or the succession of the youngest son to all copyhold lands ; if there are no sons the youngest daughter inherits. 136

The church of ST. MARYMAGDA- CHURCH LENE consists of a chancel, north organ- chamber and vestry, south chancel aisle,

��ict. Nat. Biog. xvii, 199.

  • See above.

W L. and P. Hen. Fill, iii (2), 2694.

408 Ibid, xv, 899. In 1541 there was a grant of the manor and advowson for life to Thomas, Earl of Wiltshire (L. and P. Hen. Vlll, xvi, 1500, p. 717), but this date must be erroneous, as he died without male heirs in 1539 (Exch. Inq. p.m. [Ser. 2], file 639, no. 4).

a* Land Rev. Misc. Bks. cxc, foU


210 Memo. R. Mich. 6 Eliz. rot. 95. ul Cal. S.P. Dom. 1595-7, p. 490. "'Ibid. 1603-10, p. 63 ; G.E.C. Peer.

og', S 7-

Ms Pat. 5 Jas. I, pt. jutvi, m. 20. There is a grant of the palace to William Ris- brooke dated 1605 in which Sir Thomas Gorges it said to be deceased (Cal. S.P.

��Dom. 1580-1625, Addenda p. 471), but apparently there is some error. A grant of the reversion of the custody of the palace and park was made to Sir Edward Gorges, after Sir Thomas Gorges and his wife, in 1608 (Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603-10, p. 395).

" G.E.C. Peerage, vi, 70.

nt Pat. 8 Jas. I, pt. xli, no. 2.

816 Ibid. 14 Jat. I, pt. xx, no. 2 ; Exch. Orig. R. L.T.R. 14 Jas. I, pt. iv, m. 126.

"' Pat. 14 Jas. I, pt. x, no. 3.

218 Manning and Bray, op. cit. i, 411. No mention of the manor and palace can be found in the documents quoted by Mann- ing, but they evidently became part of the queen's jointure. See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1638-9, p. 609.

u 'Cal. S.P. Dom. 1628-9, PP- 3 z 9i 35> 399-


��8:10 Ibid. 1637-8, p. 274. 911 Pat. 14 Chas. I, pt. xliii, no. 23, m. 10.

M2 G.E.C. Peerage, iii, 228.

133 Cal. S.P. Dom. 1638-9, p. 609.

311 Notes of Fines, Surr. Mil. 1659.

825 Commons' Journ. viii, 73.

aM Cal. S.P. Dom. i66o-i,pp. 140,141.

" Diet. Nat. Biog. xxv, 436.

228 Pat. 1 6 Chas. II, pt. viii, no. J.

229 Ibid, i Jas. II, pt. xii, m. I. 880 Cal. S.P. Dom. 1690-1, p. 28. 481 Pat. 10 Gco. Ill, pt. v, no. 7.

    • Dict. Nat. Biog. ix, 144.

" Pat. 10 Geo. Ill, pt. v, no. 7.

994 Chan. Inq. p.m. zi Edw. I, no. 50 ; Feet of F. Surr. Hil. 3 Jas. I.

  • Surr. Arch. Coll. (Surr. Arch. Soc.),

v, 97 ; Land Rev. Misc. Bks. ccxxvi, fol. 166-82.

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