Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/115

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decay are quickly manifested by the lessening of the sexual strength.


Many men become impotent years and years before such a result is necessary, for the simple reason that they allow the general physical health to decline in vigor, and fail to make the necessary efforts to regain this power, which really gives spice, enthusiasm and zest to life,

This exhilaration, this excess of energy, which shows itself in every vigorous man in fine condition, is really nothing more than the buoyant influence of abundant nervous or sexual strength — both really mean the same thing. Wherever you find a man possesses one, he will always possess the other to an equal degree.

Of course, all loss of sexual strength is accompanied by general physical decline, but men often lose power in this way, because of their neglect in keeping their physical forces to a normal standard of health, and not because of any excess or other violations of the laws of sex.