Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/14

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to elevate, ennoble and strengthen its readers than any other influence of a similar character. It will help them to be men—strong, virile, superb—and the first duty of every male human adult is to be a man. All other requirements should be subordinate to this. You cannot build a house without a foundation to rest upon, and virile manhood is the foundation upon which must rest all the results that accrue from education and the refining influences of civilized life. In other words, if you do not possess this virile manhood your imperative duty is to strive for its acquirement, even if necessary for the time being to sacrifice every other purpose in life. For if you are not a man, you are nothing but a nonentity! A cipher! And as long as you remain in this emasculated condition, your powers and capacities in every way will be bound by your weakened condition.

The writer has pointed out the way to acquire and retain these much desired