Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/208

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ing but pure water, and as much of it as may be desired, he will, in the course of from one to three months, be thoroughly cured of transitory stricture, and in from four to twelve months—depending much on the previous habits of the individual—he will be cured of permanent stricture, and that without any of the dangers of after-results attendant on the introduction of bougies, caustic, etc. The very worst cases of permanent stricture, after long trials and failures with bougies, etc., have in this way been permanently removed and effectually cured."—John Cowan, M.D.

"Stricture is sometimes a result of gonorrhea, as well as of syphilis, and may often be relieved by the cold compress, the cold sitting bath, the cold general bath, wet sheet pack, etc. The sooner it is treated, the better the prospect of a cure without surgical operation. A thorough course of hunger (fasting) cure is excellent in cases of this kind."—Joel Shaw, M.D.