Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/43

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value of this vital fluid compared to the blood, no one will question its richness in vital elements. It contains the very essence of a man, for is it not bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh?

The especial fact to be deplored in connection with this character of intemperance is that many do not appear to be aware of its deleterious effects.

They begin to decline when addicted to excess, and blame it on a cold accidentally acquired, or to other senseless causes which in no way assisted in bringing about their condition.


While writing along this line it would be well to mention the enormous importance of marrying a girl who has sufficient stamina to be normal in this way. Many women, because of their weakened and general abnormal condition, are void of all instinct, so important in protecting themselves and their husbands from these excesses. In every normal healthy woman there are periods when these intimate relations are repugnant,