Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/51

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cally result from this evil. A drain is of course established if this habit is regularly indulged, and when the victim discovers its terrible consequences to mind and body and regains sufficient strength of will to renounce it, the semen that has been used to supply this drain continues to accumulate, and the amorous desire that this creates so influences the brain during sleep that lascivious dreams are produced, which usually result in this loss. Where these dreams are followed by a feeling of lassitude or extreme weariness, dizziness and general weakness, they are occurring too frequently, though it is well to remember the effect of mind over body, and that your belief in the weakening effects of these losses may be influencing your feelings in this way quite seriously. In other words, if you will at once cast aside from your mind the belief in the injurious effects of these dreams, you may not notice any of the weakening effects which seem so plain when you expect and are searching for signs of them.


"But when young men are made to believe that any and all emissions are certain and