Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/56

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remember that it will take time to accomplish this. As to just how often emissions must occur in order to be considered too frequent, it is exceedingly difficult to determine. The sexual power of man varies most widely in different individuals, and what would be considered excess in one might be extreme temperance in another. The best guide is to be sure that the symptons of weakness which follows this loss are not in the mind, but are an actual physical reality. When sure of this you can nearly always depend on the conclusion that the loss is becoming excessive.


Some writers claim that a loss once each week is excessive; others that twice each week in some men would not be considered so.

Judge for yourself in your own particular case, though if the rules here given are accurately followed, if there is an excessive loss, it will soon begin to decrease.

Be careful never to cover yourself too heavily during sleep. Better wake up cold at times than to induce undue warmth.