Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/61

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holy sight of all others, and affixes to them the seal of His uttermost reprobation, by appending to them pains and penalties more painful, and loathsomeness more disgusting than to any other sins and vices. Natural expression always tells the truth, and nothing but the truth, though by no means the whole truth here, for that is impossible, even by this Heaven's most eloquent orator. A strong man or woman slowly atoning, by lingering, agonizing moments, hours, days and months, till a protracted death finally closes upon the scene, the author never has seen, never desires to see. Other pens, more vivid, have attempted this painful description, only confessedly to fall far short of its awful realities. What feverish days! What restless nights! What agonizing aches and pains in every bone, and muscle, and nerve! What eyes rolling and glaring and protruding, as if internal agonies were pushing them out of their sockets! An awful stench nauseates beyond any power of description. A putrid human carcass—beast does not, cannot suffer this—is livid with poison! Running sores here, there, everywhere,