Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/63

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The breaking of no other human law entails on the wrong-doer such fearfully prompt, repulsive and incurable penalties as does the unnatural one of miscellaneous intercourse. The very first transgression ofttimes develops the poison of syphilis, the non-desire for which may be inferred from what one of the most distinguished of French surgeons has said: 'I would not have a chancre of the size of a pin's head on my person for all Paris.'"—John Cowan, M. D.


Any of these sexual diseases unquestionably causes a serious loss of sexual strength, not only on account of the general physical decline that accompanies and follows them, but the ordinary treatment used is often extremely harsh (usually far more so than it should be) and the strong drugs, ejections, etc., that are used to effect a cure, leave traces of their weakening influences often years after their use has been discontinued.

Regardless of what opinion may be formed as to desirabilty of absolute continence, no reasoning process can possibly cause a man