Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/99

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abnormal, and unquestionably these perverted theories have done much towards bringing about the unsatisfactory matrimonial condition now almost universal. The civil ceremony is supposed to give a man every privilege he may desire. The wife is supposed to be subjected to his every wish. The laws of Nature, or the laws of God, warrants no such conclusion. In fact, it is plain that the wishes of the wife should be paramount — that the husband should be subjected to and controlled by her. When this outrage to women and the plain laws of nature, in her total subjection to man in marital life, is fully realized, one of the principal causes of diseases peculiar to her sex is plain to any unprejudiced reasoner.


How many thousands of young women, apparently in good health, enter the realms of matrimony, and as a result find that their health of body and mind has been sacrificed. This should not be. It is usually caused by an undeveloped sexual instinct, and by the perverted impression that marriage means