Page:The Visit of the Teshoo Lama to Peking.djvu/10

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This page has been proofread, but needs to be validated.


For Chih-La-T‘an-T‘an-La on page 3, line 14 read Chih-La-T‘an-La
For Chin-mu-tso on page 4, line 11 read Chia-mu-tso
For disgression on page 5, line 5 read digression
For 羅藏 on page 7, line 12 read 羅卜藏
For anthentic on page 7, line 27 read authentic
For settlements of the Miao-tazu on page 11 line 24 read settlements of the Miao-tzu.
on page 11, line 25 read parenthesis before "arab."
For this arrival on page 13, line 30 read his arrival
For 遺使 on page 7, line 27 read 遣使
on page 17, line 17 omit parenthesis before "as."
For wealthly on page 20, line 7 read wealthy
For sates on page 21. line 25 read states
For Dagaba on page 22, line 7 read Dagoba
For house which garden on page 29, line 22 read honse with garden
For poople on page 30, line 12 read people
For descriptton on page 40, line 14 read description
For mythologe ides on page 57, line 23 read mythologie des
For Czanpo on page 54, line 19 read bzanpo
For see on page 59, line 20 read see the
For This is to also on page 59, line 20 read This is also
For philosophys on page 67, line 6 read philosophy
For a on page 71, line 12 read an
For kpi on page 72, line 15 read kyi
For Reichtnm on page 72, line 27 read Reichtum
For als or on page 74, line 1 read als Sternbild
For D‘hitika on page 74, line 6 read Dhitika
For suggesthd on page 75, line 14 read suggested
For transliteration on on page 79, line 3 read transliteration is
For 錯爾濟 on page 79, line 29 read 綽爾濟
For Hoch würdige on page 81, line 4 read Hochwürdige