Page:The Visit of the Teshoo Lama to Peking.djvu/23

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availed himself of the opportunity to mention his previous intercourse with the Governor of Hindustan Warren Hastings, through Mr. Bogle, and asked the, Emperor to open friendly communications with this country. In fulfilment of a promise, which he had given to Mr. Bogle, at the latter's visit to Tashi-lhunpo, in the winter 1774-75, he obtained for him a pass to proceed from Canton to Peking. His intention was to introduce Mr. Bogle at court, and thus bring the Government of Bengal and the British into closer communication with the Emperor of China. Unfortunately, however, the nearly simultaneous death of Mr. Bogle and the Pan-ch'an made this scheme an illusory one.

After twenty-six days' stay—"逾月 about a month," according to the inscription—, the Pan-ch‘an set out for the capital, while the Emperor moved on to visit the tombs of his ancestors.

On the 2nd day of the 9th moon, the Lama made his entry into Peking.

The inscription states, that he was here entertained by Imperial command in the Yellow Temple. This seems not quite congruous with the statement of the Emperor in his letter to the Dalai, wherein it is said: "............that after his reception, which was a splendid one and caused the assembling of many thousands of Lamas and people, he was conducted to the Yuen-ming-yuen, where the Emperor had assigned for his habitation that part of his palace which is named the Golden Apartment. The information on the tablet is, however, confirmed by the 聖武記 as follows: "On this arrival at Peking, he was received in