Page:The Visit of the Teshoo Lama to Peking.djvu/98

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in the former case this will be done by the Dalai Lama and for the Dalai Lama by the Regent, or by an assembly of High Priests. As a rule this religious name is selected from the Buddhist Pantheon for the novice but this is not an absolute necessity. And, likewise, it seems to me, that this is not a compelling necessity with the great Reincarnations of the Lamaist Church, as their Tibetan names often show combinations of names of ancient saints, patriarchs, teachers of morals (atchâryas) and of mere epithets and honorific attributes. I mention this especially in support of my versions for "Nag-dban"=="vàgàru" (though this rather belongs under heading 4); "Tsansdbyans"=="Brahmanî" or "Brahmaçrî": "mk'as-grub dge-legs"=="Mahâvadî Kalyana-bhavya" or the latter part also "Kalyànakîrti" as simple epithet, "Skal-bzan rGya-mt'so==also "B'aga-sàgara."