Page:The Voyage Of Italy Or A Compleat Journey through Italy, The Second Part.pdf/40

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its a great question into what Country he should first go: to make his aboad. The common course is, to go first into France, and then into Italy, and so home by Germany, Holland, and Flanders, as I did once: but my opinion is, that its better for a young man to go first into Italy, and returning by Germany, Holland and Flanders, come into France, to give himself there the last hand in breeding. And my reason is this; For seeing the intention of travelling, is to make a man a wise man, not a finical man, its better to season his minde betimes with a staid wise breeding, then to fill it up to the brim at first, with a phantastical giddy breeding, which, having once gotten possession of the minde, bolts the door on the inside, locks out all staydness, and makes my young man delight in nothing but vanity, clothes, dancing, liveryes, balls, and such meer outsides. I would therefore have my young Noblemans Governour to carry him immediately into Italy at fifteen or sixteen, and there season his minde with the gravity, and wise Maximes of that Nation, which hath civilized the wholeworld