Page:The Voyage Of Italy Or A Compleat Journey through Italy, The Second Part.pdf/66

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The Voyage

and present every one of us (and we were five in all) with a coloured coate, and a little cap to dine in. At dinner they serve in the best meats first, and eat backwards, that is, they begin with the second course, and end with boyld meat and pottage. They never present you with salt, or braines of any fowle, least they may seem to reproach unto you want of wit. They bring you drink upon a Sottocoppa of silver, with three or four glasses upon it, Two or three of which are strait neckt glasses (called there caraffa's) full of several sorts of wines or water, and one empty drinking glasse, into which you may powr what quantity of wine and water you please to drink, and not stand to the discretion of the waiters as they do in other Countries. At great feasts, no man cut for himself, but several Carvers cut up all the meat at a side table, and give to the waiters, to be carryed to the Guests; and every one hath the very same part of meat carried unto him, to wit, a wingand