Page:The Voyage Of Italy Or A Compleat Journey through Italy, The Second Part.pdf/738

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The Voyage

At first the Emperor, was as little troubled; but finding such freeedom and gallantry in his carriage, mingled with such humble inggenuity in the confession of his fault; he not only pardoned what wass_ paft but prefently fene for Ewridgis. an her children to come to himn, anc live at Court with him. Thisis don he makes Manfred Count afidd Mar quis of a great part of thefes coun tries, and gives him lieve too buil towns and caltles there: annd fo his arms gives him the black: Eagle In fine, in memory of thee thr children born {6 wenderfullyy at on birth, he commands that thhe chi town fhould be called Melivand, After the death of Conjtitantix Manfred and his Lady returneed wit gteat riches unto their old dvwellin place, and there began tco buil Miranda, which in process cof tim was called Mirandolz, This true fto if it look Jikea Romance, you mu no¢t wond: ry (ceing Romaneces no a dayés, look like true ftoriees.

The Prince of Mirazdobz rrecery yearly fourscore thousand ccrownThe