Page:The Wanderer (1814 Volume 1).pdf/46

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( 14 )

silence. Harleigh enquired, in French, whether she had escaped the general contagion, from which almost all in the boat had suffered, of sickness.

She cheerfully replied, Yes! She had escaped every evil!

"The demoiselle is soon contented," said Riley; "but I cannot for my life make out who she is, nor what she wants. Why won't you tell us, demoiselle? I should like to know your history."

"Much obliged for the new fellow you have given us, Mr. Harleigh!" said Mrs. Maple, contemptuously examining her; "I have really some curiosity myself, to be informed what could put it into such a body's mind as that, to want to come over to England."

"The desire of learning the language, I hope!" cried Harleigh, "for I should be sorry that she knew it already!"

"I wish, at least, she would tell us," said the young lady, "how she happened to find out our vessel just at the moment we were sailing."