Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/622

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Querétaro state, in discussion on peace, 2. 464.
Quijano, Benito, armistice commissioner, 2. 242, 394.
Quitman, J. A., brigade at Monterey, 1. 249, 252-6, 492; Taylor on, 352; march to Victoria, 357, 360; march to Tampico, 365-6, 368; at Brazos, 476; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 27; at Jalapa, 62; in advance to Puebla, 64, 69; Amozoc affair, 70; division in Scott's army, 78, 356, 365; in advance from Puebla, 93, 94, 371; at San Agustín, 103, 376, 380; during armistice, commissioner, 134, 394; advance after armistice, 142, 401; at Chapultepec, 152, 153, 156, 157, 409-11; at Belén garita, 15860, 162, 412, 414-6; takes possession of the city, 163, 416; as governor of it, 164, 226, 460; and Scott, 248; Alvarado expedition, 344-5; court of inquiry on Worth, 361; and Contreras, 381; and douceur, 391; and plan of attack on capital, 408; division broken up, 432; leaves Mexico, 438; not West Pointer, 513.
Radepont, Marquis de, on volunteers, 2. 513.
Radicals, aim of Mexican (1846), 2. 2-4. See also Puros.
Rainfall of Mexico, 1. 1-2.
Ramírez, J. F., on Mexican responsibility for the war, 1. 116; on Santa Anna's manifesto, 219; on the Church, 408; on judicial system, 409; on political situation (1847), 2. 16, 83; on guerilla warfare, 168; on Mexican political character, 310; on justice of the war, 323; conference with Santa Anna, 368; on armistice, 399.
Ramírez, Simeón, brigade at Monterey, 1. 235, 494; at Molino del Rey, 2. 142; flight, 145; at Belén garita, 159, 160.
Ramiro, José, and Contreras, 2. 106.
Ramsey, A. C., regiment, 2. 363.
Ranchero, 1. 19.
Ranelagh, Viscount, proffer to Mexico, 2. 306.
Rangel, J., and preparations below Perote, 2. 40, 346; and Contreras, 110; at Molino del Rey, 142; at Chapultepec, 157, 161, 410, 411; at San Cosme garita, wounded, 161, 162, 413; brigade, 369.
Rank controversy in American army, 1. 144.
Ransom, T. B., at Contreras, 2. 109, 110, 378; at Chapultepec, killed, 155; regiment, 263. See also Ninth Infantry.
Raritan, and Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 25; scurvy, 195; in Home Squadron, 197, 442, 446; in attack on Tuxpán, 444.
Raton Pass, Kearny at, aspect, 1. 291.
Razonador, peace organ, 2. 82.
Rea, J., as guerilla, 2. 173; siege of Puebla, 174, 176; retirement and overthrow, 178-9, 426-7.
Rebolledo, J. C., as guerilla, 2. 171; betrayed, 423.
Recognition of Texas, American, 1. 66, 422, 423; European, 432.
Red Comet, secret society, 1. 376.
Reefer, captured, 1. 511; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 238; added to navy, 438; in Home Squadron, 442, 445, 446; in attack on Tuxpan, 444.
Reforma, desires war, 1. 116. Reforms, Farias' attempts, 1. 45-6. Regulars. See Army.
Reid, J. W., in battle of Sacramento, 1. 309, 311; pursuit of Comanches, 521.
Reid, Mayne, at battle of Chapultepec, wounded, 2. 156, 157. Rejón, M. C., and annexation of Texas, 1. 86; Santa Anna's manifesto (1846), 219; and new government, 222; return with Santa Anna, 486; as leader of Puros, 2. 2, 3; demands and dismissal, 4; and demand on Church property, 10, 329, 331; rejects peace overtures (1846), 122; and Atocha as peace agent, 124; key of policy, 125; corrupt, 131; opposes peace negotiations (1847), 136; and treaty of peace, 249; and poll tax, 324; and British offer of mediation, 368; suspected intrigue with Scott, 390.
Religion. See Roman Catholic church.
Reno, J. .L., at Contreras, 2. 104; at Chapultepec, 154.
Reports, character of American army, 1. ix, 404, 2. 59, 354.
Republicano, on financial chaos, 2. 11; on three-million fund, 126; on Atocha, 386.
Repudiation, state, and American war finances, 2. 256, 294, 478.
Requena, T., and defence of Monterey, 1. 233, 489; and Santa Anna, 377; in Monterey negotiations, 602; on Taylor's blunders, 503.