Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/629

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Slidell, John, Mexican mission and rejection, 1. 91, 95-8, 100-1, 127, 145, 326, 436-9, 447, 453, 460; on Oregon and Mexican controversies, 114, 115; effect of rejection on American opinion, 120; on failure of mission, 133, 135, 181; and advance to Rio Grande, 152; report on Santa Anna's attitude, 201; and Patterson, 351; and peace negotiations, 2. 126, 387; and Conner, 202; House demand for instructions, 500.
Sloat, J. D., pacific instructions to (1845), 1. 131, 447; instructions on California, 326, 526, 530; hesitation, final occupation of Monterey, 333-5, 530-1; gives place to Stockton, 336; squadron, 2. 189.
Smith, A. J., and Mormon battalion, 1. 290.
Smith, Ashbel, on Polk and war, 1. 446.
Smith, C. F., at Resaca de la Palma, 1. 172; at Monterey, 242, 244, 498 in march to San Agustin, 2. 98; at Churubusco, 112, 115, 116, 384; battalion at Molino del Rey, 144, 145, 403; and at Chapultepec, 161.
Smith, D. W., American consul at Matamoros, reports cited passim.
Smith, Ephraim Kirby, mortally wounded at Molino del Rey, 2. 403.
Smith, G. W., and Cerro Gordo, 2. 349; with Scott, 366.
Smith, Isaac, on mistakes at Monterey, 1. 503.
Smith, J. L., engineer company with Scott, 2. 349, 356, 366; and plan of attack on Mexico City, 408.
Smith, J. M., at Churubusco, 2. 117.
Smith, M. L., reconnoitres Old Peñón, 2. 369.
Smith, P. F., brigade in march to Monterey, 1. 229, 492, 496; in the battle, 245, 498; commands at Monterey, 508; brigade, 541; and Cerro Gordo, 2. 52; brigade in Scott's army, 77; at Contreras, 104-10, 376, 379; at Churubusco, 114; at Chapultepec, 156, 158, 408, 410; in Mexico City, 163; as governor there, 226; armistice negotiations, 242, 394; and evacuation, 252, 475; on engineers, 320; court of inquiry on Worth, 361; credit for Contreras, 376; career and character, 377; not at conference on attack on capital, 408; not West Pointer, 513.
Smith, Sidney, and American repudiation, 2. 256.
Smith, William, on the war, 2. 499.
Smuggling, Mexican, 1. 17, 410.
Social conditions, in Mexico, idleness, 1. 15, 22; in country, 18; in villages and towns, 19-21; at the capital, 21-8; character of ruling class, 25-7; general conclusions, 28, 410; Mexican statement on character, 411. See also Character; Population; Roman Catholic church.
Society, Mexican, conditions, 1. 25; intercourse in occupied territory, 2. 230-1, 461-2.
Soldado, Fort, at Monterey, 1. 241; capture, 245, 498.
Somers, wrecked, 2. 194; in Home Squadron, 197, 442.
Sotepingo, captured, 2. 113.
Soto, Juan, and defending of Vera Cruz, 2. 22, 31, 341; and preparations below Perote, 41; and Santa Anna at Orizaba, 68.
South Carolina troops, call, 1. 537; in Taylor's later command, 2. 417. See also Palmetto.
Southampton, in Pacific squadron, 2. 447.
Southern Quarterly Review, on Worth, 2. 360.
Spain, colonial policy, 1. 29-30; and Mexican-American relations (1846), 100; and monarchy for Mexico, 448, 485, 486; and Mexican privateering, 2. 193; attitude, 297, 298; and blockade, 440, 449; and mediation, 503. See also Bermúdez de Castro; Lozano.
Spanish, as class in Mexico, 1. 3; merchants, 17. See also Gachupines.
Spanish America, and expected Mexican-American war, 1. 111; and the actual war, 2. 298.
Spanish language, key of pronunciation, 1. xxi.
Spectator, on misrule in Mexico, 2. 509.
Speight, Jesse, position in Senate, 2. 496.
Spitfire, in occupation of Tampico, 1. 279, 281; in attack on Tuxpán, 2, 203, 444; at siege of Vera Cruz, 338; in Home Squadron, 446.
Spooner, ——, Mexican Spy Company, 2. 362.
Springfield Illinois State Register, on war and expansion, 1. 444.