Page:The Way of the Wild (1923).pdf/235

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Chapter XVIII
The Hunter Hunted

Red Fox is a mighty hunter. For his size and weight, he is probably the most successful hunter in the carnivorous kingdom. There are many reasons for this. In the first place, he is very fleet of foot and has great stealth in stalking quarry. So whether it is a straightaway run for life, or a sudden spring after long waiting, he is equally well equipped. His nose, hearing, and eyesight are of the best, and his wits have no betters in the domain of wild creatures, so all these things help to make Red Fox the mighty hunter.

Then, his kind have been hunters ever since the first fox stalked the first rabbit, so it is bred in the bone. His hunting is also varied.

Some carnivorous animals stick to a few easy victims, but not so with Red Fox hunting.

On moonlight nights, he may be seen in the meadows hunting field-mice.