Page:The Way of the Wild (1923).pdf/67

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but as long as we have a nest with one egg in it, let's be satisfied."

"But," said Cock Robin, "we have got two nests and each one has an egg in it."

But Mrs. Robin was so interested laying her eggs that she did not trouble her head about it, but laid a second egg in the nest with the small egg.

But wonder of wonders, on the morrow, the nest with two eggs in it was gone and the nest with the large egg in it was back. This really alarmed Cock Robin. But Mrs. Robin laid another egg beside the large egg and they had two nests with two eggs in each.

That night after Mrs. Robin was asleep on the roost, for she had been so disturbed that she had not dared to stay on the nest, brave Cock Robin decided he would guard the nest and find out what it was that stole the home away each day, so he sat upon the eggs all night.

In the morning the train came in, made up as usual, and went away to the city. But it had barely left the station when a very excited