Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/166

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contemptable eyes by both Parties, and I believe if the Queen did not her self bear in mind the diligent attendance he has given her, there would be nobody say a word to him to per- suade him not to quite the Court. 'Tis thought by some that the Duke of Ormond was not named sooner for the L* of Ireland because Master of the Horse was a place was thought wou'd have been as much to his liking, and his attendance about her Majesty's person as agreeble to her as any Nobleman's, and he having the character of a generous gQod natured fine Gentleman, and not one that wou'd set up for a Politian, those that are in possession of the Queen's ear cou'd have sufifer'd him near there without any jealousy. I know the Duke of Ormond has piqued himself upon the not asking this of any, but I believe the Dutchess of Ormond had a promise on't for near six months agoe.

  • * * *

Lord Powlet has complymented Brigadeer Masham by having him choose a member in a burrow he conimands.* The Torys will be so stronge in the house of Commons that they may call some of them up to the house of Lords, where they won't be altogether so strong without some help. Brigadeer Britain's regiment is embarked with several others for a secreet expedition wch is to be commanded by Lord Shannon who has been in the Isle of Whight some time, and now that Air {sic) is like to be so soon in our hands our landing in France is again talk't of. But there's no news I am so intent upon as what will be done for you. They think themselves so strong now that they need make no court to any body and opposition will signifie nothing till they begin to fall out among themselves, and then wou'd be a time to come if it cou'd be nick't right ; for before 'twill be taken as you say as no favour but a running with the stream, and may disoblige if the tide shou'd turn again. It seems to be so strong at present that as Lord Haversham says an opposition wou'd look as vain as to attempt to stop the stream at Lon- don Bridge with one's thumb.

  • Samuel Masham was returned for Ilchester at this time.

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