Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/388

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of Commons, and would have past the House of Lords, had not one of the Bishop's been detained out of the House longer than ordinary by the strangury ; soe that it was cast out only by an equality.

The Tobacco Bill which was designed to raise money, to supply what could not be raised for want of a Parliament in Ireland was thrown out yesterday. This matter was very nice, for the Votes being equal, the Speaker gave it against the Court, which he would not have had the opportunity of doing, if Mr. Lowndes had not been obliged to goe to the house of office, and he ran with his breeches in his hand, but they would not let him in.

��[Lord Bathurst.]

April 20, 1 7 14. My Lord,

Since I had the Honour to write last to your Lord- ship there have been severall debates in the House of Lords which if I were able to give you a good account off, itt wou'd be a very great satisfaction to me, finding the last I sent was not unacceptable to your Lordship.

But my misfortune is that I never have time to write, tho' I have nothing else to do, and yet I do assure your Lordship if I really had a great deal of business upon my hands I shou'd be ready to neglect any part of itt rather than fail to obey your Lordship's commands, but being constantly en- gag'd in some party or other every night, the greatest diffi- culty is to sitt down to write. I have reserv'd this morning on purpose to try to recollect as much as I can what I have pickt up of the last week's debates.

There was an address mov'd by the D. of Bolton about taking the Pretender, Dead or Alive ; itt was askt in the House whether if any Person shou'd shoot him or poison him he wou'd not be guilty of Murder. Lord Trevor gave his opinion that by the Law of England he certainly wou'd, and upon that consideration itt was agreed to turn itt to give the reward to any one who shou'd apprehend him and bring

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