Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/549

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night for the first time, for he was not at the Opera a saterday as most people thought he wou'd to show he was safely arived. Tho 'tis with great pleasure I write Yet I wish to doe it no more haveing hopes that before my Dear Papa can recieve a nother of my letters I may in person assure him, I am, with great sincerity his

most Afifectionet and most

Dutiful! Daughter


London, January 29, 1737.

Most people when they write wish their letter to be reciev'd, but I differ from them now for I hope my Dear Papa wont get this, but will have left Freestone before this arives there. Mr. Conolly was here this morning and desired his duty to you and wishes your hops may prosper, but is sorry you had not Taffy to assist you. As Lord Vane has taken so much pains to get my Lady and as 'tis in so perticular a way I thought you woud not dislike to see the Advertisment so Lve sent it, as I knew you have it not in any of your news- papers. I never thought I shoud have vanity enough to Emagen I cou'd Rivel my Dear Papa in any thing, but I realy think I stand a fare chance for it now in Lady Kildare's favour for she invited me to spend the evening with her last Saterday which I did, and at parting our Compliments were so long that my Cousine Hanbury (who w^as to carry me home) thought she shoud have dyed with laughing, or rather the fears of staying there all night. Lady Pen Cholmondly is come to town but where she is I cant tell. S'" Tho. behaviour of Mr. Boucher's. Lady Andover is come to town and the greatest beauty that has been seen a great while ; they are to live on with Lord Barkshire. Lord Tankervill has now a great mind to be friends with my Lady and says if she'll live with him again he'll give her a new suit of Close — but I fancy she wont sell her quiet at so cheap a rate. I had a letter from Mrs. Ebetson who says her father is a most

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