Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/565

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��A. Abingdon, Lord, 151 ; speeches, &c. of, 170, 223, 227, 253, 261, 366, 367, Addison, Joseph, Secretary to Lord

Wharton, 67, 68 ; and the Junto, 75 ;

at Harrison's funeral, 319 ; his play

of Cato, 330 ; Secretary to the Lords Admiralty, fees to commissioners of, Ailesbury, Lord, letter of, 302 ; his Aislabie, John, speeches, &c. of, 377,

Aldborough, Suffolk, 29 ; members for, Aldsworth, candidate for Windsor, „ Mr., killed in a duel, 420, Anglesey, Earl of, 179, 223, 337, 367,

368, 371, 410 ; his dispute with the

Duke of Buckingham, 254; speeches

of, 276, 369, 388, 390, 403 ; his

speech against the Peace, 364, 366 ;

and the government of Ireland, 357, Anne, Queen, accession of, 8 ; and the

Prince of Hanover, 31 ; second

��marriage recommended to, 70, 75 ; the preachers before, 152; her ill- nesses, state of health, «&c., 209, 215, 235, 251, 256, 287, 292, 297, 301, 302 {note), 312, 322, 323, 325, 358,

359. 360, 375- 386, 387.; t^r- l^ad- clift'e's remark on her illness, 18S ; her attendance at the debates, 220, 223 ; her reception of Prince Eugene, 246, 247 ; and Lady Strafibrd, 208, 213, 234, 271 ; godmother to Lady Anne Wentworth, 325 ; review of troops by, 345 ; and the South Sea Company, 396, et seq. ; her last speech to Parliament, 401 ; her death, 407, et seq.

Annesley, Arthur, 77 ; speech of, no

Apsley, Sir Allen, i

,, Lucy, married to Col. Hut- chinson, I

Arbuthnot, Dr., 138, 147, 294, 302,

Argyll, Duke of, 35, 14I, 165, 280, 281, 289, 290, 296, 297, 299, 300,

330, 337, 355, 362, 366, 374, 375, 408, 416, 422, 425, 426, 428, 431, 477, 541, 543 j ^'^^ Sacheverell's trial, 146 ; his attempts to gain the Queen's favour, 146, 147 ; opposes vote of thanks to Marlborough, 159; his command in Spain, 27, 161, 176, 178, 180; his advice to Lord Raby at the Hague, 182; his speech against Lord Galway, 176, et seq.; his duel with Col. Coote, 185 ; at the Hague, 188, 190 ; said to have bought Caen Wood, 298 ; his fees for the Garter, Arland, Benjamin, painter, 279, note

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