[152.] Abstract of No. 165, which see. Proc. APA., p. 23, in Trans. for 1872.
[153.] Obituary of Th. Goldstücker. The Nation, April 4.
[154-157.] Reviews—in The Nation—of: J. Edkins's China's place in philology; J. C. Moffat's A comparative history of religions; F. Max Müller's Ueber die Resultate der Sprachwissenschaft; S. Johnson's Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion.
[158.] Obituary of James Hadley. The Nation, November 21.
[159.] Review of H. Wedgwood's A dictionary of English etymology. North American Review, vol. 115, pp. 423-428.
[160-162.] Reviews—in The (New York) Independent—of: Max Müller's On the philosophy of mythology (January 25); J. F. Clarke's Ten great religions (March 7); L. Jacolliot's The Bible in India (May 2).
[163.] Obituary of James Hadley. New Haven Daily Palladium, November 15. (Issued also, together with a list of Hadley's works, as an appendix to the reprint—from the New Englander of January, 1873—of President Porter's Funeral Discourse. Cf. No. 179.)1873.
- The Vedas. (= current No. 6 of this bibliography.)
- The Vedic doctrine of a future life. (No. 24.)
- Müller's History of Vedic literature. (No. 33.)
- The translation of the Veda. (No. 87.)
- Müller's Rig-Veda translation. (No. 133.)
- The Avesta. (No. 14.)
- Indo-European philology and ethnology. (No. 78.)
- Müller's Lectures on language. (Nos. 60 and 135.)
- Present state of the question as to the origin of language. (No. 131.)
- Bleek and the simious theory of language. (No. 118.)
- Schleicher and the physical theory of language. (No. 150.)
- Steinthal and the psychological theory of language. (No. 148.)
- Language and education. (No. 134.)