Page:The Whitney Memorial Meeting.djvu/161

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312. The method of phonetic change in language. Proc. APA., pp. xxxiii-xxxv, in Trans. for 1886.

313. The Veda. The Century Magazine, vol. 33, pp. 912-922.

314. Notes on part IV. of Schröder's edition of the Māitrāyaṇī-Saṁhitā. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 13, pp. ccxxvi-ccxxviii.

[315.] (Announcement of) A translation of the Kaṭha Upanishad. Proc. APA., pp. xi-xii, in Trans. for 1886. (Cf. Nos. 322 and 306.)

[316.] On roots. Ibidem, pp. xx-xxi.


317. On the second volume of Eggeling's translation of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 14, pp. vi-xi. (Cf. Nos. 257, 263, and 340.)


318. On the and ar-forms of Sanskrit roots. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 14, pp. cxlviii-cl. [319.] Second (revised and extended) edition of his Sanskrit Grammar. Leipzig (Breitkopf und Härtel), 8°, xxvi + 552 pp. (Cf. No. 226.)


320. Böhtlingk's Upanishads. AJP., vol. 11, pp. 407-439. [Elaborate criticism of B.'s edition of the Chāndogya and of the Bṛhadāraṇyaka.] (Cf. No. 306.) [321.] Abstract of No. 320. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 15, pp. l-lviii.


322. Translation of the Kaṭha Upanishad. Trans. APA. for 1890, pp. 88-112. (Cf.Nos. 303 and 306.) 323. Open letter to the members of the American Oriental Society. Privately printed. New Haven, 8°, 8 pp. [I. As regards the de-localization of the Society.—II.