Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/104

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less and happy-go-lucky as they might be ordinarily, that a new dignity and depth of appreciation was theirs.

After the prayer, which was in keeping with the Bible reading, Dr. Churchill arose, and came slowly to the edge of the platform. He stood for a moment, silently contemplating the throng of earnest young faces raised to his, and then he spoke.

"Men of Randall," he began, solemnly, "we are facing a crisis in the history of our college. Men of Randall, it behooves us to meet it bravely, and with our faces to the enemy. Men of Randall, we may be at the parting of the ways, and so, being men together, I speak to you as men."

The good doctor paused, and a sound, as of a great sigh, passed through the assemblage. Usually when the doctor had any announcement to make, he addressed the students as "young gentlemen." They felt the change in the appellation more than any amount of talk would have impressed them.

"Doubtless you have heard rumors of the crisis in our affairs," went on the president, after taking off his glasses, slowly wiping them, and replacing the frames back of his ears, over which the white locks fell. "Whatever you have heard I beg of you to disregard to this extent, that you do not repeat it. In evil times words increase trouble. I