Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/111

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the chapel, broken up into little groups, that they began discussing the situation. Even then it was in hushed voices, as if the enemies of Randall might be hiding about, listening for something of which they could take advantage.

"Wallops wasn't far out," remarked Tom, who, with Phil, Sid and some other friends, was walking slowly along.

"No," came from the quarter-back, "but wouldn't it get your Angora, though? To think of there being a flaw in the title all these years, and someone only just now taking advantage of it!"

"I wonder what can have become of the missing quit-claim deed?" ventured Sid.

"No telling," remarked Holly Cross.

"Prexy said it was given by a Simon Hess," went on Tom. "I've heard that name before, somewhere, but I can't recall it."

"I was telling you about our chair having been in the Hess family," explained Sid. "Don't you remember, I said it was one of the Hess heirlooms when we bought it of Hatterly, the Senior."

"That's right," agreed Tom. "Fancy that now! Maybe next they'll be accusing us of having the missing deed, because we have some of the Hess property."

"We haven't got it, you mean," put in Phil. "Our chair is still in a state of non est."