Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/114

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the case," explained Frank Simpson, "so there won't be any football games cancelled."

He was in his uniform, and was walking out on the field with Tom and the others to the practice.

"I only wish he was going to be in the game with us against Newkirk instead of the Snail," mused Tom, as the scrub and 'varsity lined up. "We'd stand a better chance to pile up a big score."

But Sam Looper seemed to do better that afternoon, and was complimented by the coach for some good tackles he made, as well as for his ability in breaking through the scrub line.

"Oh, maybe he won't be so bad," conceded the captain, hopefully.

The practice was hard and gruelling, but it brought out a number of weak spots, which were impressed upon the players, that they might avoid them. Also some faults in plays were discovered, and measures taken to correct them.

There was more hard practice the following day, when the scrub, mainly through the fine playing of the new member, Frank Simpson, came perilously near scoring, which they had been prevented from doing of late. The big Californian was showing up wonderfully well, and he was making more friends by his sterling character.

At last came the time for the first regular 'vars-