Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/132

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a series of surprised grunts and exclamations. Then a dark body went sailing through the air, and fell with a splash into the stream, while the shout that followed ended in a gurgle.

"There he goes!" cried Phil. "He's in!"

Another dark body shot from the bank into the water.

"Why—why!" gasped Sid. "They're hazing two! Who's the other lad, I wonder?"

The second body made a great splash. Then, before it came to the surface, a third form hurtled through the air and made a great noise in Sunny River.

"Julius Cæsar's grandmother's cat's kittens!" yelled Tom, careless of who heard him. "Simpson isn't in the water at all, fellows! Look! look! There he is! He's throwing the others in! He's throwing 'em all in!"

Phil and Sid stood beside their chum, and gazed on the scene, which was now partly illuminated by a half moon. They saw the big Californian standing in the midst of his would-be hazers, knocking them down right and left as they rushed at him, and then, as the hidden ones watched, they saw the new student grasp Holly Cross around the waist, and, by a wrestler's trick, toss him over his back, and into the stream, where three forms were now swimming toward shore—three wet, miserable forms—three very much surprised lads