Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/139

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"Guess not," drawled Phil. "If you fellows think we can escape the eagle eye of Proc. Zane, I'm willing, are you?"

"Sure we are!" cried Phil and Tom, eagerly. "We can pull on our best duds, and catch the next trolley. Zane can go hang! I guess we can slip in all right!"

"I reckon I'd better be off then,"' spoke Simpson, as he arose to go. "You haven't any too much room to get dressed, all three at once."

"No, don't go," begged Phil. "That is go and get togged up, and come back. Go along with us over to Fairview. My sister said she'd like to meet you. I was telling her about you."

"Do you mean it?" asked the Californian earnestly, for he liked social pleasures, and he had not met any girls, as yet.

"Sure, come along!" urged Tom and Sid. "We can fix you up with a girl, I guess."

"Kind of you," murmured Frank. "I believe I will go."

A little later, the four caught a trolley car for Fairview Institute, where they were met by Phil's sister and the other young ladies, who were glad to see them. There was a little amateur theatrical, followed by a dance and supper, and Frank Simpson was made to feel very much at home, for the girls took to him at once.

It was long past midnight when our four