Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/154

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mured Phil. "This is one of the best rooms in the college."

"If we only had our old chair," remarked Sid, rather sadly. He seemed to miss it more than the others, for it was his favorite place for study.

"Well, it won't come back to-night, at any rate," observed Tom. "Whew! Hear that wind!"

There came a sudden burst of fury on the part of the storm, that seemed to rock the very college. In the midst of its rage, borne on the wings of the wind and darkness, there came to the ears of the three lads a mighty crash.

It seemed to vibrate through the air, and then the echoes of it were swallowed up in the louder roar of the wind.

"What was that?" whispered Tom, in an awesome voice.

"Some building collapsed!" gasped Phil. "Come on, fellows, we must see what it was!" and he reached for his raincoat, the others following his example.