Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/197

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"He didn't mean that we're going to lose the game with Fairview Saturday, I hope," put in Kindlings. "We're going to have long practice this afternoon, and I want every fellow to show up. Simpson, I'm going to give you a chance at left guard in the second half of the game."

"Thanks!" exclaimed the big Californian, fervently.

The practice on the gridiron that afternoon was the hardest to which the players had yet been subjected. The scrub had been instructed to play for all they were worth against the 'varsity, and the inducement was held out that if any of the second team outplayed the man against him on the regular eleven, that he could replace him in the Fairview game.

This was enough to stir the blood of the scrubs, and they went at the 'varsity hammer and tongs. The result was rather a surprise, for the regulars developed unexpected strength in the line. And even Snail Looper proved that he could do well when he wanted to, for when the backs were sent against him and Bascome, the two held well together, and the wave of human beings, of whom one had the ball, was dashed back, failing to gain in several cases.

There was one particularly hot scrimmage, and Andrews, who was playing left half-back on the scrub, went at the line like a stone from a cata-