Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/203

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should happen to see it," he concluded, "though I fear we cannot hope for that. But we will not give up yet," he added t and then the exercises came to an end.

Discussion on the new development of the trouble continued, as the students filed out of chapel, and strolled across the campus, some to lectures, some to studies, while others, who had the early periods free, made for the football field.

"It's a rotten shame, isn't it?" exclaimed Holly Cross, as he dug his toe into the pigskin with vicious force. "I wish I had some of the lawyers who are making the trouble where this ball is," and as the spheroid again sailed high into the air, Holly grinned in delight at his effort.

"Yes, it's just like Langridge to make trouble," agreed Tom. "Probably he's delighted at the turn affairs have taken, and he very likely hopes to see Randall down and out."

"Well, he won't!" declared Frank, as he passed the ball to Jerry Jackson. "I feel sure we're going to win. As sure as I feel that——"

"We'll put it all over Fairview," finished Billy Housenlager. "We've just got to do 'em!"

"Glad you feel that way," spoke Captain Woodhouse. "But with Phil laid up——"

He did not finish, but they all knew what he meant. Up to the last, there was hope that Phil