Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/215

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his voice was not the only one that faltered when the tiger was given.

Silently the Randall crowd left the grandstands, while the victorious cohorts of Fairview were singing their songs.

"Boys!" cried Bean Perkins, eagerly, "don't let our fellows go off that way. Give 'em the 'Conquer or Die' song, but—sing it softly!"

And then, out over the big field, welled the beautiful strains of the Latin hymn. The effect was wonderful, for the boys were good singers. The great crowd halted and listened, as the last chords died softly away.

Then came a great cheer—a cheer from friend and opponent alike—a cheer for defeated Randall—for Randall that had not conquered, but had been conquered. Then the players filed to their dressing rooms.