Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/221

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"I have bad news to announce," he said, as he stood on the platform after the devotional exercises. "There has been a conference between our lawyers and those representing the claimants to our land. They demand twenty thousand dollars in settlement."

There was a gasp of surprise that went around the chapel like a wave of hysteria among a lot of girls.

"Twenty thousand dollars!" whispered Tom Parsons.

"Randall can never pay it," remarked Sid, who sat next to him.

Dr. Churchill waited for the murmurs to cease.

"I need hardly add," he continued, "that it is out of the question for us to pay this sum. Yet, if we do not, we may lose all that we hold dear," and the president seemed much affected. "However, we have not given up the fight, and there may yet be a loophole of escape. You may now go to your classes."