Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/223

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won't do a thing but steer him back to one we had a week ago. Then I'll be safe."

"You can, if you like," spoke Tom, "but I'm not going to. I've got mine, and it's a shame to put one over Moses."

"Aw, what's the harm?" demanded Dutch. "It will amount to the same thing in the end. Now don't go to spoiling my fun. I'm not up, I tell you, and I don't want to get any more crosses than I have. My record won't stand it."

"Then you can do the funny work," declared Phil. "If he asks any of us——"

"I'll sing out about a back lesson," interrupted Dutch. "Then I'll be safe. Anyhow, Moses will be sure to ask about three questions, and they will remind him of something about Sanskrit or modern Chinese, and he'll swing into a talk about what the ancient Babylonians did in war time. Then you fellows will call me blessed, for you won't have any physics to prepare to-morrow, when Prof. Newton will likely be back."

"Have it your own way," spoke Holly Cross.

As usual when there occurred a change in the routine of lectures or classes there was more or less of a spirit of unrest or mischief among the students. Those in the natural science division filed into the room where Professor Newton usually held sway, and it was quickly whispered about that "Moses" would appear to hear them.