Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/231

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"Oh, yes, about the football meeting," went on the end. "Well, you needn't get on your ear just because we jollied you a little. Stand the gaff like a man. No, there wasn't much doing. We talked over some new plays. Incidentally we tried to explain the slump Randall seems to be up against, but we couldn't. Where were you?"

"Don't ask him. He was up here fussing worse than a girl," broke in Phil. "Hannibal's henpecked hyperbolas! But do you remember the time, Tom, when we couldn't get Sid to look at a girl, much less to take one to a dance? Now he feels hurt if he doesn't do the Cubanola Glide with one at least once a week. Vanity, thy name is Sid Henderson!"

"Oh, cheese it, for cats' sake!" begged Sid, in despair. Then Phil, who seemed to take delight in "rigging" his chum, glanced at the battered old alarm clock, which was again on duty.

"Cæsar's grandmother!" cried the quarter-back. "I'll be late," and forthwith he began to make motions "like a fellow dressing in a hurry," as he said afterward, and Sid was left in peace to complete his immaculate attire, while Tom, too, seeing the need of haste, left off "badgering" Sid.

It was the occasion of one of the several dances that the girls of Fairview Institute had arranged, and to which they were allowed to ask their friends. Of course, Miss Philock, the preceptress,