Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/246

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cute and infantile bit of cutting-up like that?" asked Tom.

"Neither, you old catamaran! But Zane has his hands full with the freshman class. Particular hob has broken loose over in their dormitory, and 'Zany' is at his wits' end. Now, what's the matter with some of us getting into his room, and upsetting it a bit, to pay him back for what he's made us suffer? How's that for a joke?"

"Too kiddish," declared Phil. "If you can't think up anything more lively you'd better go to bed, or join the freshies. Come again, Dutch."

"Say, it's a wonder you fellows wouldn't think up something lively yourselves, once in a while," protested the big lad. "You want me to do it all, and then you blame me if it doesn't come out right. Name something yourself, Phil Clinton," challenged Dutch.

"Oh, get out, we're going to have a game of chess," declared Sid. "Keep quiet."

"Well, if you fellows don't want to have a good time, I'm going to," declared Dutch, with an injured air. "I'll find someone to do the trick with me, and then you'll wish you'd come along."

"Fare thee well," mockingly called Tom, after the departing student.

Dutch managed to get Holly Cross and the two Jersey twins into his scheme, and the four lads, after ascertaining that the proctor was busily en-