Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/254

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and a feeling that he was not as well liked as he might be, influenced Mr. Zane.

So Dutch and his three chums breathed easier, and the football team blessed its lucky stars that it was to lose no more men.

Professor Tines went back to court early the next morning, taking with him the documents forgotten by the president. He gave out no news of the court proceedings, which indeed had not been opened as yet.

But word of them was received on the second day of the absence of the faculty. It was when the Randall 'varsity was returning from the game with the preparatory school, having won by an unexpectedly big margin. The players were feeling jubilant, and were telling each other what they would do to Boxer Hall.

"Hello, there's prexy!" exclaimed Tom, as he saw the venerable president strolling over the campus toward his residence.

"Let's ask him what happened in court," suggested Phil. "He won't mind, for he knows we're anxious."

The little squad of players surged up around Dr. Churchill.

"Can you tell us—that is—is Randall safe?" stammered Phil, as he looked up into the President's face, his mates anxiously surrounding him.