Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/266

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you pay for it, though. If we lose the Boxer game, it will be up to you fellows."

"We won't lose!" declared Tom, confidently.

They caught the next trolley car for town, and, piloted by Frank, headed for the second-hand shop on the little side street.

"Now we'd better map out a plan of campaign," suggested Phil, as they neared the place. "If we go into the place, and demand the chair, the fellow may insist that he has a good claim on it, and raise a row. We can't take it away by force, and——"

"We sure can!" broke in Tom, indignantly. "That chair is our property, and we have a right to take it wherever we find it."

"Suppose the dealer bought it in good faith from some one who stole it from our room?" asked Sid.

"That makes no difference," went on Tom, who thought that perhaps some day he would study law. "If the dealer hasn't a good title to it, he can't claim it. We can take it away from him."

"How?" asked Sid. "Get a policeman and have him ride it away for us in the patrol wagon?"

"Yes, we could do that," agreed Frank, "but it would be sure to raise a row, and draw a crowd, and then folks would blame it on the pranks of some of the Randall boys. We can't afford to have that happen. Prexy wouldn't like it."