Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/277

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we hadn't made a break when we did, he'd have sold us a Spanish sideboard or a Holland tiled fireplace. Come on, fellows, we must get on the trail of this Hebrew gentleman."

"I'm afraid we can't to-day," spoke Tom.

"Why not?"

"Kindlings will want us to get into our football togs as soon as we get back, and jump out at practice. No chance to chase off around the country, looking for an unknown furniture dealer out Rosevale way."

"That's so," agreed Sid. "Well, we can go tomorrow.'

"I'm full up with lectures to-morrow," objected Phil.

"Well, some of us can go," declared Frank. "We mustn't let that chair get away again." For, though he was a new chum, he felt the same interest in the recovery of the missing piece of furniture as did his friends. "I can stand a few more cuts, and I can get off right after practice."

"Maybe I can go with you," suggested Tom.

The two did manage to get away the next day, taking a trolley car as far as it went, and hiring a farmer to drive them to the village of Rosevale, a quaint little place. The farmer said he knew of no second-hand furniture dealers in that vicinity, but the boys had hopeful visions, and, dismissing their rig, as they intended to hire another in which