Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/280

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"Maybe he'll go stale," suggested Holly Cross.

"He won't if he can help it," was Sid's opinion. "He's been waiting all season to get a whack at us fellows."

"Well, it will make the game lively," declared Kindlings. "We'll give Boxer Hall all she wants."

Jerry Jackson, who was sitting on the old couch with Sid, moved to a more comfortable position.

"I say," he drawled, "it's a wonder you fellows wouldn't either renovate your furniture, or else get some new. Joe and I got some swell stuff the other day from an old Shylock of a chap that has a joint out Rosedale way."

"Out where?" asked Tom, quickly, catching at the name.

"Out in a little place called Rosedale," repeated Jerry.

"I guess you mean Rosevale, don't you?" asked Sid. "We heard of that fellow, but we couldn't find him."

"No, I mean Rosedale—d-a-l-e," spelled Jerry. "He's an ancient Hebrew—rather a decent chap, too, and he had a lot of antique stuff. Joe and I bought a fine sofa."

"A peach!" declared the twin brother. "You can go to sleep on it standing up."

"What's this fellow's name?" asked Phil, quickly.